Thursday, November 6, 2008

sopping thursday

today was such a ridiculously weird, bad day, and i think it's all because i wore the wrong shoes. it rained all day (but the hardest when I was outside), and when i woke up i was psyched to wear my new rainboots. ALACK, i didn't, and curses.
work was strange, my boss nitpicked me to death for an hour, then everything and everyone at the store was frenzied by super liberal post election auras, but it all just meant that i had to do everyone's stuff when they were too confused by joy to work.
on my lunchbreak, instead of studying for my vikings midterm i got yelled at by my friend for participating in an election i was totally passive about, and decided to participate because of a personal reaction to a candidate, and bills on the state ballot.
i went to class and i think i did horribly on my exam. i was totally rushed on an essay and had to write like a nothing conclusion. it's even worse because i love this class and love this professor, but he was gone to sweden this week and the proctor was some interdepartmental sweater vest wearing t.a.
i hated what i wore all day (why a burgundy mock turtleneck, why, oh why?) and i basically feel like living vomit. if it weren't for swan brooner, i'd fall to pieces.
